Monday, June 8, 2009

Fun at the Beach!

Owen, Ryan, and I went to the beach for 4 nights with Mimi, Popi, and Uncle David! We had a very good time. Owen did great in the car, we only had to stop 2 times! Owen also seemed to enjoyed his naps on the beach! Ryan and I even got out for a date night and Mimi and Popi were gld to keep Owen! Such a nice trip!


  1. Looks like you all had such a fun trip! I'm so glad you went and Owen did such a great job. Love you!

  2. Yay for first family trip to the beach! We can't wait to do ours at the end of July! I miss you so much! We need to catch up (I was in Chicago this past weekend). How about I call you tomorrow? Love you guys!



About Me

I live in Knoxville, TN and am married to Ryan McNally. We have been married for over 2 years and are awaiting the birth of our baby boy!